Movie Review (Joker)
"Joker" was released on October 4th, 2019. It was directed by Todd Phillips, It won the Academy Award in the 92nd Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Directer, It grossed over a billon dollars. Arthur Freak, lives modestly with his weak mother in a corner of a big city. while dreaming of success as a comedian. He spends every day making money by working as a street performer with clown makeup. He expects to live happily forever with his mother. This movie is often deeply thought provoking because it depicts the evill parts of today's society in a strange way and shows a very exciting and dark world view. It was especially thoughtful to see Arthur walking down the stairs dejectdlly before he become a joker stained with evil. It's a movie that makes you want to be infected with evil. That's why I like this movie.